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Foods to Promote a "Detox" Lifestyle (Part 2)

Foods to Promote a "Detox" Lifestyle (Part 2)

And support your body’s ongoing cleansing


  • Detoxing is one of the body’s essential functions for promoting long-term health and vitality. It is continuously occurring to clear out potentially harmful toxins and pathogens.

  • If we do not eliminate toxins, they can lodge deep in our cells and build over time; promoting weight gain, illness and even disease.

  • While juice cleanses and over-the-counter detox products may bring quick weight loss, they are not a long-term solution for weight management or ongoing detoxification.

  • Eating foods with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties is the best way to promote continuous cleansing and health, day in and day out.

What is this section?

And just like that, it’s already February! Are your New Years resolutions starting to lose steam? Or did you indulge a little bit harder than you planned on Super Bowl Sunday? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered — this is Part 2 of Foods to Promote a Detox Lifestyle.

If you haven’t seen Part 1, check it out here. It sets the foundation for what it means to detox, why it’s important to promote ongoing cleansing (versus using extreme, short term approaches), and seven foods that can naturally help you do just that.

Part 2 includes six more foods (plus a few honorable mentions!) that, with regular consumption, can protect your body from sickness, boost your digestive and metabolic processes and remove toxins. And yes… help you lose weight! Are you ready to feel great by adding to your plate? Let’s dive right in!


If you’re like me, you don’t need an excuse to eat more blueberries. They’re naturally sweet, delicious on their own and go well in any type of meal from breakfast to dessert. Lucky for us, blueberries also pack a big nutritional punch.

They are loaded with antioxidants including vitamins C, A, and anthocyanin, which gives them their hue. Antioxidants prevent or slow damage to cells caused by free radicals (potentially harmful molecules) that the body produces as a reaction to environmental stressors, poor diet and stress. Blueberries are also chock-full of fiber, which supports good digestion and elimination.

How to consume more:

Add blueberries to your morning smoothie or oatmeal (check out our own Blueberry Power Oats recipe), to your salads (I love Hummusapein’s Blueberry Pecan Salad recipe) or enjoy a handful as a snack.

Many local farms offer pick-your-own blueberries during the summer months — stock up and freeze them for up to six months! Trader Joe’s also has a great selection of frozen wild blueberries to enjoy year-round.


50% of you are going to be thrilled to see cilantro on the list, and the other 50% are shaking your head in disgust wondering how anyone could love the taste of soap.

I’m a huge fan of cilantro, and I hope you are too, because cilantro is a powerful agent in cleansing the body of heavy metals like aluminum, lead and mercury. Cilantro binds to the metals (a process known as chelation); looses them from the tissues and faciliates elimination through the urinary tract.

Cilantro is also rich in antioxidants; packed with vitamins (A, B, C and K), minerals (calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and manganese. It’s strong anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antimicrobial and antifungal properties have many potential health benefits.

How to consume more:

If you’re a cilantro fan, aim to consume it daily. Put it in smoothies (I love it in Kimberly Snyder’s Glowing Green Smoothie), toss it in your salad or use it to garnish chicken dishes, stir-fries and curries.

If you’re not a cilantro fan, parsley has a lot of the same benefits and a more widely accepted taste. It goes great in pasta dishes and sauces, like this Walnut Parsley Pesto by Simply Recipes. Give it a try – you won’t be disappointed! 


Like many others are this list, beets are high in damage-preventing antioxidants, especially vitamin C. But when it comes to detoxification, what really separates beets is the presence of betaine and pectin, which help the liver do its very important job.

The liver is responsible for detoxifying our blood and producing the bile needed to digest fat, break down hormones and store essential vitamins, minerals and iron. Betaine boosts liver enzymes and stimulates bile to attach to and eliminate waste from the liver. Pectin is a powerful fiber that transports the released waste and toxic chemicals (like mercury and lead) out of the body so they don't reincorporate back into the blood steam, reactivate and cause damage.

*And don’t be alarmed if you see red when going to the bathroom after you’ve eaten beets — it’s a testament to their detoxing abilities!

How to consume more:

Beets are definitely an acquired taste, so if you’re not already on board, keep trying them! It took me a long time to come around and now I can’t get enough.

Start by making beet chips at home… you’ll be pleasantly surprised by their crunchy sweetness. Then, experiment with other preparations like roasting and pickling. Check out Real Simple’s article for 5 different ways to prepare beets and see what you like best.



Turmeric is viewed as one of the most potent medicinal herbs on the planet and is used in Ayruvedic medicine to treat a variety of ailments from simple cuts to Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

Curcumin, the main compound in turmeric, gives it its bright golden color and carries powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-parasitic properties.

Curcumin is also a powerful detoxification agent. It stimulates bile production and release from the gallbladder to support optimal liver function; detoxifying our blood, eliminating unwanted waste and supporting good digestion.

How to consume more:

Turmeric has a very distinct taste and is commonly used in Middle Eastern cuisine such as curries. Minimalist Baker has a great Golden Milk recipe featuring turmeric, coconut oil and cinnamon that makes a soothing and cleansing evening elixir.

Because turmeric contains only 2-5% curcuminoids, many experts recommend taking turmeric in supplement form. Be sure to look for one with black pepper as the combination helps your body to absorb more of the curcumin. Consult with a medical professional to find the best option for you! 


Bring on the stinky pee! But seriously… it’s a can’t-miss reminder of asparagus’ detoxing power. Asparagus is a great source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients, including vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, manganese, selenium and zinc. But what really sets it apart for detoxification are the high levels of two important compounds – asparagine and chlorophyll.

Asparagine is a natural diuretic that helps clear the kidneys of excess uric and oxalic acid. This helps flush out waste products, excess fluids and salts and supports balanced pH levels in the body. Chlorophyll (which gives green plants their pigment) binds to carcinogens and eliminates them from our system; preventing cell damage, inflammation and disease.

How to consume more:

Asparagus is super easy to prepare – just cut off the ends, toss it in olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper and roast in a 400-degree oven for 15 minutes. Have it as a side dish or include it in stir-fries, scrambles or this Cream of Asparagus Soup by Skinny Taste.


I know, this is a big category to have as just one item on the list. But the truth is, I could have made up a whole list entirely of nuts and seeds. Walnuts, almonds, pine nuts, Brazilian nuts, flax seed, chia seed, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds… the list goes on!

My absolute favorites are flax and chia seeds. They are rich in antioxidants and heart-friendly Omega-3. Plus, they have both soluble and insoluble fiber that, together, act as a natural cleanser and support the formation of good bacteria in your gut.

The Top 10 Home Remedies Team put together an awesome article explaining the top nuts and seeds for cleansing — if you’re interested in taking a deeper dive into each, check it out here!

How to consume more:

It’s easy to integrate nuts and seeds into your daily diet… maybe even a little too easy. While the fat content of nuts and seeds is extremely nutritious, it makes them very calorie dense. Therefore, it’s important to keep portion control in mind. Keep servings to a small handful two times a day or two tablespoons of nut butter.

And always buy all-natural nut butters with no added ingredients. Conventional brands like Skippy add corn syrup solids, sugar and various oils to enhance the taste and texture, which significantly reduces the nutritional profile.


There are so many great foods out there can naturally help with detoxification that I could have easily made a part 3. Here are some “Honorable Mentions” that can be very healthy additions to your diet:

  • Chlorella and Spirulina — both are said to be powerful detoxifying algae and are consumed in powder form. I have not yet used them myself and cannot personally attest to these claims, but they’re on my list to check out!

  • Artichokes

  • Cranberries

  • Matcha

  • Dandelion

  • Broccoli

  • Cinnamon

  • Dark Chocolate — the higher % of cacao, the better!

What detox lifestyle foods do you incorporate into your daily routine? Leave a comment below!

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