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Tips for Staying Healthy, Fit (& Sane!) during COVID-19 Quarantine

Tips for Staying Healthy, Fit (& Sane!) during COVID-19 Quarantine

You CAN stay on track at home

Life is looking a little different for most of us these days amidst the COVID-19 crisis. Shout out to those staying home to keep themselves and others safe, to the essential employees out there making a difference, to those offering their time and resources to benefit their community, and to everyone putting their best foot forward one day at a time.

Amongst all the fear and uncertainty surrounding us, it’s more important than ever to prioritize our mental, physical and spiritual health. A few months ago we wrote a post for Return to the Kitchen featuring 9 Habits for a Healthier 2020 (That You Can Actually Stick With!). This is a great place to start for building health and fitness into your everyday life. But you may be wondering just how to do this in today’s reality — while quarantining?

We’re back with 10 additional tips to help you establish a new healthy routine at home and promote your well-being during these difficult times:


We can’t go out to eat, we can’t go to the gym, we can’t buy toilet paper… yeah, times are weird. But it’s important to take a step back and remember these are mere inconveniences, and there are thousands around the world dealing with sickness, loss and financial distress.

The act of practicing gratitude can put things into perspective and shift how you approach the coming weeks. Start your day by writing down three things you’re grateful for in a notebook or gratitude journal. Or before eating dinner, go around the table and ask everyone what they’re thankful for. Challenge yourself and others to note new things each day and revert back to these when you’re feeling discouraged. You’ll quickly realize how lucky you are, and how a positive attitude will help you (and everyone around you), get through these trying times.


An abrupt change in routine can wreak havoc on our digestive system, mood and energy levels, and in turn, impact our desire to remain active and eat healthily. You don’t have to stick to your normal routine (it’s OK to take advantage of a little extra sleep!), but look to create a new routine with a few basic principles:

  • Eat breakfast, lunch and dinner around the same time each day

  • Pack your meals with whole, nutrient dense foods including vegetables (especially green leafy ones), fruits, lean protein and whole grains

  • Wait at least 3-4 hours between meals

  • Finish your last bite of food at least 2-3 hours before bed

  • Wait at least 12 hours after your last bite of food before having breakfast

Establishing a new normal will help your body to work in alignment with its natural circadian rhythm; easing digestive issues, regulating energy levels and promoting better sleep.


Isn’t it funny how much we get done when we’re out-of-our-minds busy, but when we actually have free time… nothing seems to get done? Counteract that by creating a to-do list each day. It can include things as small as call Mom, things as big as clean out the garage, and everything in between. Writing down your tasks increases the chances of doing them and heightens your sense of accomplishment once complete.

Here are some tips to ensure you actually tackle the things on your list:

  • Prioritize “must complete” items versus “nice-to-complete”

  • Designate separate spaces for working, relaxing and exercising to increase focus during each

  • Get an accountability partner and support each other to accomplish common goals. For example, commit to doing a 30-minute workout each day with your best friend at 8 am. FaceTime each other at 7:55 am for a 5-minute stretch and create workouts for both of you to complete. Get creative and have fun with it!


Twenty minutes of fresh air a day can keep the doctor away! Research has shown that spending time outdoors can bring significant health benefits, from improving mood and sleep quality, to reducing the risk of chronic disease such as type II diabetes. And those spending time in nature have reduced diastolic blood pressure, heart rate, stress and cortisol levels.

In these uncertain times, getting outdoors is one of the best things that you can do to keep yourself happy and healthy. Plus, it’s a great way to see friends and family (maintaining a six-foot distance, of course!). Take your workout outside — grap your pup and go for a hike (check out All Trails for paths near you), take a bike ride or walk around your neighborhood. Eat lunch outside in the sun, or post up on your patio table with your laptop. You’ll immediately feel the impact!

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Are you used to working out with a trainer or as part of a class? You’re in luck — tons of companies are offering FREE live-stream workouts and subscription trials to help you stay motivated and get a killer workout (or peaceful meditation!) at home. Check out some of these great options:

Most of these companies also have community chats on Facebook pages with thousands of users across the world sharing recipes and wellness tips to keep you connected and inspired.


Maybe group fitness workouts aren’t your thing and you prefer doing strength training workouts on your own… that’s great! Just know, working out at home can be a different animal that at the gym, even if you have the same equipment.

Go into it with a plan — establish a set time that you’ll do it every day, create a great playlist that pumps you up and consider which muscle group(s) you want to work out in advance. Before getting started, write down a circuit of 5 sets with 3 moves in each, repeat each set 3 times, and cross the items off as you go. Reduce distractions by going into a separate room and silencing your cell phone. Completing a tough workout will ease stress and anxiety and help you to make healthier decisions throughout the day.


After a long day at work and commute home, cooking might be the last thing that you want to do at the end of the day. But, having some extra time at home might just turn this “chore” into a hobby. Make cooking an experience — shut off the TV and put on your favorite album or podcast. Pour a cup of tea or a glass of wine. Clear out your kitchen and put all of your ingredients out on the counter so you’re not frantically digging through the fridge halfway through. Take your time and celebrate your efforts.

Two of my favorite health food bloggers are Half Baked Harvest, with unique spins on classics like Walnut Kale Pesto Pasta and Crowded Kitchen whose Sweet Potato Risotto recipe is next on my list to try. Check them out for some awesome recipe inspiration!


Podcasts are a great, free way to learn about nutrition, wellness and fitness. Being home presents a great opportunity to listen while you’re cleaning, exercising or just hanging out. Some of my favorites are:

These podcasts discuss health within a holistic context and really make you think about how food impacts you (mind and body) and why you’re engaging in certain habits. Take bits and pieces of advice from these experts and try them out for yourself!


This one might sound obvious, but odds are you’re drinking more coffee and less water at home versus sitting at your desk at work. Throughout the day, keep a large bottle of water (not just a small glass or a cup) nearby and enhance it with lemon, fruit or herbs. You can also download an app like Waterlogged (compatible with most smart watches) to track your consumption throughout the day.

Aim to drink at least half a gallon (64 ounces or eight, 8-ounce glasses) of water a day, and challenge yourself to gradually increase consumption to a gallon a day. Learn more about the many health benefits of drinking water in this Harvard Health article.


When was the last time you took a lavender bath, put on a face mask, meditated without 100 things running through your mind or dove into a great book before bed? Now that you’re at home, re-prioritize things that help you unwind and relax.

About 30-45 minutes before bed, I turn off the TV, turn on my doTERRA essential oils diffuser (I love their lavender and eucalyptus scents), grab a book and get comfy on the couch. It’s helped tremendously with the quality of my sleep and energy levels the next day! Some of my favorite recent reads have been:

They’re all available on Prime, plus Audible is offering a free 30-day trial.

We wish you all the best during the coming weeks! Please feel free to reach out to us here on the blog or on our instagram @healthwellstyled!

What has helped you to keep healthy routines during these difficult times? Leave a comment below!

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